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漢方医学の考え方の一つに「気(き)・ 血(けつ)・ 水(すい)」という考えがあます。この三つの要素が過不足ない状態で体を巡ることによって体の恒常性を維持していると考えられています。この三要素の中の一つである「気」の不足が体のだるさと関係しています。「気」とは元気、気力、気分、やる気の気であり、気は体に存在する根源的なエネルギーと考えられています。この気が不足した状態、つまり、体のエネルギー欠乏状態を漢方医学では「気虚(ききょ)」と呼んでいます。体のだるさは、この気虚の代表的な症状です。





In Western medicine, fatigue is not considered a disease (except for chronic fatigue syndrome). Therefore, Western medicine basically does not provide treatment with medicine. It is also true that even though the test was carried out, there is no abnormality and it is often said that there is no abnormality in the body. When I asked him, "Then, what is the cause of this body's dullness?" he said, "Isn't it because of your imagination?" in the sense that it is caused by mental things. It is sometimes said.

The symptoms of sluggish body are medically referred to as "fatigue" and are also found in a wide range of diseases, such as anemia, hypotension, liver and kidney damage, or pneumonia. It is necessary to pay attention to the physical condition, to accept the SOS signal of fatigue that the brain transmits obediently, and to take the method of fatigue recovery such as rest and rest, sleep, rest for several days, and nourishment as appropriate.

I can't get tired, it's hard to get up in the morning, I don't know the cause even if I go to the hospital. One of the causes of these symptoms has recently been pointed out that the possibility of adrenal fatigue, in which the function of the adrenal glands secreting various hormones decreases. The adrenal glands are small pyramidal organs above the kidneys that secrete anti-stress hormones (cortisol). When the adrenal glands become exhausted by stress, the secretion of hormones deteriorates and it is not possible to cope with stress, and symptoms such as chronic fatigue and depression appear. This is adrenal fatigue syndrome.

Fatigue is subjective, so no matter how tired you think you are, if there is no abnormality in the test results, you will not get the name of the disease. Then, it is said that it is because of the cunning that there is no cunning, and it is made to be lazy when noticing. It may be adrenal fatigue syndrome.

One of the ways of thinking of Kampo medicine is the idea of "ki," "blood," and "water." It is thought that these three elements maintain the homeostasis of the body by going around the body in a state where there is no excess or deficiency. The lack of "qi" which is one of these three elements is related to the dullness of the body. "Qi" is the spirit of energy, energy, mood, motivation, and qi is considered to be the fundamental energy that exists in the body. This state of lack of mind, that is, the energy deficiency state of the body is referred to in Chinese medicine as "kikyo". The dullness of the body is a typical symptom of this qi.

After being born into this world, people maintain their bodies through breathing, eating, and drinking water. People take oxygen into the body by breathing, and by digesting and absorbing food and drink, they take moisture and protein into the body. Since we didn't know oxygen or proteins more than 2000 years ago when Kampo medicine occurred, we thought that in Chinese medicine, people took care of their attention from food and drink through the gastrointestinal tract, such as the gastrointestinal tract, and through the lungs.

If your stomach and intestines are in bad condition, you have lung disease, or if you don't have enough food or air, you will be unable to maintain enough care due to lack of air intake, and you will run out of air. The lack of this amount of air is a state of emptiness. If your stomach is in bad condition, you may gradually become sluggish. This is because the feeling of being absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract has become less likely to occur, resulting in a sluggish body symptom.

On the other hand, the imagination which is a lack of the nature arises by overuse of the nature. The mind is always consumed in the body, but so-called "use of care" can cause overconsumption. The condition of qiabeath occurs by various factors, but more or less, when it comes to a state of qiaowe, the symptoms of the body are sluggish.

疲れとだるさがなかなか取れない人のための 慢性的な腰痛や背筋痛をなんとかしたい人のための
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TOTAL 4 HOURS =\33000- TOTAL 4 HOURS =\33000-
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TOTAL 4 HOURS =\33000- TOTAL 4 HOURS =\33000-
冷えやむくみにお悩みの方のための 寝つきが悪くて困っている人のための
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TOTAL 5.5HOURS =\49500- TOTAL 5.5HOURS =\49500-
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TOTAL 5.5HOURS =\49500- TOTAL 5.5HOURS =\49500-
最近イライラすることが多いとお悩みの方のための 代替療法で病気を予防したい人のための
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TOTAL 5.5HOURS =\49500- TOTAL 5.5HOURS =\49500-
男性機能の衰えが気になる方のための いつまでも美しく若々しさを保ちたい女性のための
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TOTAL 5.5HOURS =\49500- TOTAL 5.5HOURS =\49500-
子供が欲しい夫婦のための いろいろ試してみたい方のための
【夫婦で生殖機能改善トリートメント】 【タイ古式療法の寄せ集めトリートメント】
TOTAL 5.5HOURS =\99000- TOTAL 7 HOURS =\66000-
いろいろ試してみたい方のための いろいろ試してみたい方のための
【伝統医学・自然療法の寄せ集めトリートメント】 【エネルギーワークの寄せ集めトリートメント】
TOTAL 7 HOURS =\66000- TOTAL 7 HOURS =\66000-
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