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When it comes to stress, many people think of work, childcare, and relationships, but in fact, we are stressed by so many things around us.
Physical factors... Climate conditions such as weather, temperature and humidity, noise, odor, air pollution, etc.
Chemical factors... Chemicals, additives, etc.
Biological factors... Prevention against overwork, lack of nutrition, lack of sleep, and pathogens
Mental factors... Changes in human relationships, personality, social environment, etc.

When it comes to stress, bad images tend to precede, but moderate stress can also lead to self-growth and enrich your life. Stress has positive and negative aspects.

Good stress is a moderate stimulus that drives you to achieve something or to work something. It refers to the one that you can grow humanly by clearing the problems and trials (stress) in front of you, and you can get a sense of fulfillment, achievement, and satisfaction. Some athletes put themselves in an environment where they are under stress, but the kind of stress that helps them grow, such as developing their abilities and improving their concentration, is a good stress. In addition, when a woman falls in love, it becomes beautiful because the function such as female hormone increases by moderate stress. Moderate tension due to good stress has a positive effect on the mind and body.

On the other hand, bad stress is something that keeps you feeling uncomfortable and makes you more and more difficult to get caught up in. As a result, you may feel sick or depressed, which will have a negative effect on your mind and body.
It is said that whether stress acts positively or negatively depends on whether the brain feels "pleasant" or "uncomfortable". The reason why there are people who feel stress and others who don't feel the same thing is because they have different sensitivity and different ways of thinking about things.

When stress accumulates, it can lead to mental upset, physical disorders, and illness. Emotions that cannot be processed by the mind and suppressed affect emotional instability, physical disorders, and even behavior.

In psychological symptoms,
Become frustrated or emotional, become mentally unstable
A vague sense of anxiety, depression, melancholy
Attention, decreased concentration, lethargic
Become reluctant to do new things

In physical symptoms,
Migraines, abdominal pain, stomach cramps, constipation, diarrhea
Stiff shoulders, low back pain
Palpitations, dizziness
The hands tremble
Menstrual irregularity
Fatigue, tiredness, fatigue is not able to be easily
I can't wake up in the middle of the night, I'm not sleeping well, I'm not awake

In behavioral symptoms, the <a0>P:System.Web.UI
You'll quickly get blurred
Fewer laughs
Keep watching the Internet news and so on
Increase lateness and early departure
– Gamble and drink
The words and actions become violent.
Various actions such as how to talk become faster
Make many mistakes at work
Feel the trouble to go out and tend to be withdrawn

When stress accumulates and becomes stressful, it begins with various upsets, which in turn leads to the induction and onset of major diseases.
Stomach ulcers, stomach cancer, duodenal ulcers
Irritable bowel syndrome (abdominal pain, nausea, chronic diarrhea, convulsive constipation, etc.)
Ischemic heart disease (angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, etc.)
Autonomic ataxia (dizziness, palpitations, depression, stiff shoulders, etc.)
Psychosomatic disorders
Cancer risk

In traditional Thai medicine, many people say that it did not make a limp impression after the treatment, which led to a refreshing feeling and stress relief.

疲れとだるさがなかなか取れない人のための 慢性的な腰痛や背筋痛をなんとかしたい人のための
【全身すっきり気分爽快トリートメント】 【腰痛緩和トリートメント】
TOTAL 4 HOURS =\33000- TOTAL 4 HOURS =\33000-
つらい肩こりを少しでも楽にしたい人のための 目の疲れや頭痛が気になる人のための
【肩こり緩和トリートメント】 【フェイシャル&ヘッドすっきりトリートメント】
TOTAL 4 HOURS =\33000- TOTAL 4 HOURS =\33000-
冷えやむくみにお悩みの方のための 寝つきが悪くて困っている人のための
【冷えむくみ対策トリートメント】 【安眠熟睡トリートメント】
TOTAL 5.5HOURS =\49500- TOTAL 5.5HOURS =\49500-
便秘や肌荒れが気になる方のための 最近ちょっと肥満気味が気になりだした方のための
【デトックス美容トリートメント】 【ダイエット減量トリートメント】
TOTAL 5.5HOURS =\49500- TOTAL 5.5HOURS =\49500-
最近イライラすることが多いとお悩みの方のための 代替療法で病気を予防したい人のための
【イライラ緩和トリートメント】 【代替療法未病対策トリートメント】
TOTAL 5.5HOURS =\49500- TOTAL 5.5HOURS =\49500-
男性機能の衰えが気になる方のための いつまでも美しく若々しさを保ちたい女性のための
【男性機能改善マニッシュトリートメント】 【女性機能改善アンチエイジングトリートメント】
TOTAL 5.5HOURS =\49500- TOTAL 5.5HOURS =\49500-
子供が欲しい夫婦のための いろいろ試してみたい方のための
【夫婦で生殖機能改善トリートメント】 【タイ古式療法の寄せ集めトリートメント】
TOTAL 5.5HOURS =\99000- TOTAL 7 HOURS =\66000-
いろいろ試してみたい方のための いろいろ試してみたい方のための
【伝統医学・自然療法の寄せ集めトリートメント】 【エネルギーワークの寄せ集めトリートメント】
TOTAL 7 HOURS =\66000- TOTAL 7 HOURS =\66000-
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