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■Stiff neck

A whopping 12 million people complain of symptoms. Many causes of stiff shoulders that many people have problems are "bad posture, eye fatigue, muscle weakness around the shoulders, decreased range of motion of the scapula, stress, poor circulation, etc." The true nature of stiff shoulders is that "the muscles are tense and do not move + waste is not discharged". A strong massage on a tense muscle will break and damage the membrane of the muscle. When the damaged tissue recovers, the muscles become stiffer and create tension. In other words, if you do a poor massage, the stiff shoulders will get worse. First of all, blood circulation is promoted even if the arm is turned round and round to eliminate the lack of exercise, and the symptom is the one to relieve.

Anyway, if it is painful, it will be necessary to relieve it by the treatment. Even if it is said that the shoulder stiffness in one bite, the part is each person. The approach is different depending on each case. The shoulder is a part where you can move at various angles by keeping the tension of a number of muscles. In order to reduce the spiciness of the client, it is necessary to inspect each muscle while changing the angle of the arm without regard to the stiff shoulder from the ten people.

Some stiff shoulders are caused by illness. Cervical shoulder-arm syndrome (Keikenwan Shokogun) is said to develop by continuing to move certain parts of the body from the shoulder to the finger of the hand, such as repeating the same task. Periarthritis of the shoulder (Katakansetsu-ien) is generally referred to as "forty shoulders" and "fifty shoulders". It is thought that the bone, ligaments, tendons, etc. that make up the shoulder joint develop due to aging and inflammation. Cervical spondylosis is a disease in which cervical vertebrae (seven bones that make up the neck) and intervertebral plates between the bones of the cervical vertebrae deform and pain such as the neck and shoulders appear. Cervical disc herniation is a disease in which part of the disc between the seven bones that make up the cervical vertebrae somehow jumps out of the correct position for some reason.

In addition to joint and muscle diseases, stiff shoulders can also appear as symptoms of body diseases such as menopause, tension headache, abnormal blood pressure, angina pectoris, and myocardial infarction.

Stress is applied to students who study, work, or have relationships, and the balance between the sympathetic nerve and the parasympathetic nerve, which is the autonomic nervous system, is lost. In that case, the adjustment of the body cannot be adjusted well, and physical symptoms such as stiff shoulders, and mental symptoms such as irritation and emotional instability may appear.

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TOTAL 7 HOURS =\66000- TOTAL 7 HOURS =\66000-
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