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NUAD THAIは、タイマッサージのことです。広い意味でのタイマッサージです。タイ王国に伝わる伝統医学療法ですが、現在は世界中に広まっています。2019年12月には、タイ古式マッサージ「ヌアット・タイ」がユネスコ(国連教育科学文化機関)の無形文化遺産に登録されました。ユネスコは、タイマッサージは従来のマッサージとは異なり、施術者は、手だけではなく前腕や膝も使って圧をかけ、様々な体勢を取って、多くの動きを伴うものです。元来伝統医療として長年継承されてきたもので、「セン」と呼ばれるエネルギーラインを重視するのが特徴です。このエネルギーの流れが妨げられることで身体に不調が生じ、流れをよくすることで健康な状態に近づくというのが基本的な考えで、近年は指圧の要素だけでなくストレッチ的な動作も多く含んでいるのが特徴です。指圧のように圧迫をするだけでなく、ストレッチを随所に織り交ぜながら行います。全身に痛気持ちいい刺激を受け続けることで、自律神経が整えられ、自然治癒力を増大させることが科学的な実験でわかっています。全身を伸ばしてすっきりとした爽快感が味わえます。



タイマッサージのルーツは2500年前のインドに遡りますが、およそ700年前、タイ王国に仏教が伝わったのと同時にこの施術法が伝わったと考えられています。当時はシャーマニズムのような呪術的な要素がもっと強かったようですが、現在はリラクゼーションマッサージのひとつとして定着した施術法です。現在、リラクゼーションサロンでは、決まった手順が行われているパッケージの場合も多く、60分程度のタイ古式マッサージなるものも横行しているようですが、本来は、全身をくまなく施術するもので、伝統医学療法として本格的に行うと最低2時間~3時間程度の時間を要するものです。2000年以降、タイ古式マッサージが急速に広がりを見せた後には、バンコク式やチェンマイ式、厚生省ガバメントスタイルやTTMAスタイルなど、さまざまな流派に分かれて発展してきました。現在は、サロンやセラピストによってもさまざまなスタイルがあるので、一口にタイ古式マッサージと言っても、その内容は全く違うものであったりします。ここでは、スタイルにとらわれることなく、広い意味での「NUAD THAI」としてタイ古式マッサージに触れていただきたいと思います。妊娠やケガのほか、心臓病や糖尿病、ヘルニアなど、体調によっては適さないテクニックや姿勢もあるので、事前に専門家による簡単なカウンセリングが必要ですが、血液の循環が良くなるので、泥酔状態では受けないようにしてください。



(体の凝り、疲れや痛み )筋肉痛・腰痛・肩こり・眼精疲労・首や背中の凝り・リウマチ・膝の痛み・足のつり・足の疲れ凝り・疲れによる全身のだるさ

(美容系)肥満防止・太りすぎ・お腹を引っ込める・腹部の贅肉をとる・ウエストラインを美しくする ・足のむくみをとる・脚の線を美しくする・ 肌の新陳代謝促進・しわの減少


NUAD THAI is Thai massage. It is a Thai massage in a broad sense. It is a traditional medicine remedy transmitted to the Kingdom of Thailand, but it is now spread all over the world. In December 2019, the traditional Thai massage "Nuat Thai" was registered as an UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage. According to UNESCO, Thai massage differs from traditional massage in that the practitioner applies pressure using not only the hands but also the forearms and knees, adopts various postures, and involves many movements.Originally a traditional medicine that has been inherited for many years, it is characterized by an emphasis on the energy line called Sen. The basic idea is that the disturbance of the flow of energy will cause a physical disorder and improve the flow to get closer to a healthy state.In recent years, it has included not only the acupressure element but also many stretch-like movements The feature is that it is. In addition to compressing like acupressure, we do stretching while weaving everywhere. Scientific experiments have shown that continuous stimulation of the whole body can improve the autonomic nervous system and increase the natural healing power. Extend your whole body for a refreshing, refreshing feeling.Basically, you start from the soles and loosen over time along the energy lines in the legs, which in turn leads to a better balance of internal organs, immunity and hormones. Approaching your legs is not because your feet are tired. This is because the energy lines of the whole body are concentrated here. Therefore, gastrointestinal noises often start moving just by operating on the legs. The approach to the energy line "Sen" is to normalize the energy of "prana" flowing through the whole body. Too much energy for humans is not good. If it is too large, it will be easy to cut and frustrated, and if it is too small, it will be lethargic and will not motivate.Thus it's the feature of the one of a red snapper ancient rite massage that I'm particular about a foot and am operating, but it's that a front of the thigh called "thigh musculus quadriceps" stimulates one muscle to the comfortable degree which was here even in the foot, and I know that the workings of the autonomic nerve is activated. Muscle of a leg is often dotted with a point directly connected with an autonomic nerve, and tsuu is to operate on the comfortable degree, and a stimulus is transmitted to a brain, and I come to produce the state in good health like a spontaneous recoveries. Even if a body becomes warm gradually by operation of a leg, and muscle gets loose moderately, it's a common flow of a red snapper ancient rite massage that I'm moving to a part of a lower back, a back and a shoulder. An autonomic nerve is a human important nerve necessary to life maintenance and is the nerve which controls a regulating function of a body irrespective of its will. When saying specifically, the workings of the autonomic nerve is the workings of "internal organs", "immunity" and "hormone". If I have a meal, if the stomach and intestines begin to move, and I run, beating at the heart becomes early, and oxygen is sent to the whole body, and if bacteria enters the interior of the body, this is removed. Such function doesn't operate on a body of the person who passed away, so the disposal which delays the pain including dry ice is being done, isn't it? A hormone has passed to a variety for example secretion of a female hormone "estrogen" raises the workings of the womb, the ovary and the breast, and the frame which seems to be the plump bust and female such as the hips is made.Such as besides also synthesis of the collagen is promoted, gloss of skin and tension are kept, the bone is made strong and the blood vessel is made flexible, and balancing cholesterol, various work is being done. The big cause of the perimenopausal symptom is said to be something to choose as sudden decrease of this hormone. It can also be said that it's a very important point to activate an autonomic nerve to send a life for us. It can be said a red snapper massage isn't the approach method just to reduce muscle fatigue, the effective operation way to recover the true health primarily. An ancestor of a red snapper massage goes back to India 2500 years before, but it's thought that this operation way was transmitted simultaneously with the Buddhism's being transmitted to Thailand approximately 700 years ago. It seems that I was strong in more magical elements like shamanism then, but present is the operation way fixed as one of a relaxation massage. A decided procedure is often a performed package at present at a relaxation salon, and something a red snapper ancient rite massage for about 60 minutes will be also seems rampant, but when I operate on the whole body all over originally, and does in earnest as traditional medical method of treatment, time of at least 2 hours-about 3 hours is needed. After a red snapper ancient rite massage spread widely rapidly after 2000, it was divided into Bangkok way, Chiang Mai way and various schools such as the Ministry of Health and Welfare government style and a TTMA style and was developing. There are also various styles by a sarong and a therapist at present, so even if I say a red snapper ancient rite massage to a bite, the contents are just different.I would like to ask you to touch a red snapper ancient rite massage as "NUAD THAI" by the wide meaning without sticking to a style here. Since a heart disease in addition to pregnancy and an injury, diabetes and hernia depend on physical condition, there are also technique it doesn't suit and a posture, so easy counseling by a specialist is need beforehand, but circulation of blood becomes good, so please don't receive in the drinking state.

* Efficacy by the Thai Ministry of Health is as follows.

(Organ system)
weak stomach, chronic gastritis, constipation, diarrhea, loss of appetite, physical strength, prevention of aging, prevention of cold, hypertension, hypotension, anemia, Circulatory disorders, Chilliness, Physiological irregularities, Infertility, Asthma , Allergy

(Body stiffness, fatigue and pain)
Muscle pain, back pain, stiff shoulders, eye strain, neck and back stiffness, rheumatism, knee pain, leg stiffness, Fatigue of feet, Overall sluggishness due to fatigue

Prevent obesity, Overweight, Retract stomach, Take abdominal fat, Beautiful waistline, Legs Removes skin, makes legs beautiful, promotes skin metabolism, reduces wrinkles

Insomnia, hysteria, calming excitement, releasing frustration

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