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Double yoga stretch massage
Double yoga, an evolution of traditional Thai massage, is a stretch-full procedure that, unlike traditional Thai massage, in which massage includes stretching, stretching includes massage. Packed with super acrobatic techniques.There is no fixed procedure, we will go according to the physical condition of the client. Only a therapist who packs the techniques into the drawer draws and connects the necessary ones from many techniques. Another feature is that reiki healing is performed at the same time. It is a feeling that is different from mere physical oppression because we are going while transmitting energy with consciousness. The theory behind it is Sen of Thai traditional medicine, Meridian of Chinese Oriental medicine, Ayurveda dosha and chakra.As we perform as culmination technique, therapist is limited. The difference may not be apparent to those who only consider so-called massages as relaxation, but the professionals will surely see the difference.
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