About 60% to 70% of the human body is made of water. The body's water changes in about two weeks. Water first becomes blood in the body and runs through blood vessels. The nutrients absorbed by the intestine and the oxygen inhaled by the lungs are dissolved in this blood and sent to every corner of the body. At the destination, the nutrients and oxygen go out of the blood vessels and reach the cells via body fluids (tissue fluid). Conversely, waste products generated in cells are collected from body fluids into blood and lymph. The cells survive because all the cells are immersed in water and the water circulates throughout the body. Water coming out of the body also plays a role, urine and stool are discharged along with waste products. On the other hand, sweat and breath keep the body warm by discarding excess "heat". In the field of quantum mechanics, all matter on Earth is oscillating. Everything in the universe has a frequency. Simply put, it is sound. Sound has a frequency. The sound is generated by vibrating the air, so it is also called the frequency. It is moving at an invisible speed, but this vibration is a wave.The whole creation in the universe has all frequencies like music as there is a famous word to which I say "The universe is music." The frequency man hears of course is exceeded, so it isn't possible to ask man by an ear as sound. There is also vibration in itself and I need all substances on the earth with the peculiar frequency, and the earth is a reason, but even the inside is the substance which can place water on this earth and maintain vibration most. In other words, the substance by which water can store information. There is foundation cause in a heart as well as a body for the sick cause. It's possible to change your wave motion by water. Vibration of water has a big influence on feeling and subconsciousness. A wave motion measuring machine (MRA Magnetic Resonance Analyzer)is used in the field of the wave motion medical treatment, but it's possible to measure the very feeble wave motion issued from a body and make vibration water filled with a heart and information on a body. It's to drink the wave motion water, and we're thinking a conscious change notices the problem we had in subconsciousness by itself and begins to occur. A part wrong with a body is being improved, and it may be possible to find the fear held in mind to be eased. |