Think of Herbal Cream Jap Kasai as an upgraded version of regular Jap Kasai. "Japkasai" also has the effect of increasing the male hormone (testosterone testosterone).The male hormone (testosterone) is an essential hormone for male growth. It maintains bones and muscles, maintains libido and sexual function, builds blood, prevents arteriosclerosis, prevents metabolic syndrome, and even works in the brain. It is a hormone that supports various effects on the mind and body of men.A hormone that has the effect of rejuvenating men and preventing aging.Decreases in this hormone can impair sexual function and decrease vigor. Testosterone has the effect of strengthening muscles and suppressing the increase in visceral fat, but the main cause of the decrease in muscle strength with aging is the decrease in testosterone. Testosterone is also a sex hormone that controls blood flow and erections.This decrease in testosterone causes the body to weaken and lose or lose energy. This is a very serious problem for men, as decreased or reduced energy can cause ED (erectile dysfunction) and breaks. Please try Japkasai both for relieving symptoms and for prevention.