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トピックス トリートメント スペース カウンセリング ご予約




・感情  交感神経(イライラ・興奮) 副交感神経(リラックス・穏やか)
・血流  交感神経(筋肉への血流増加) 副交感神経(内臓への血流増加)
・血圧  交感神経(上がる) 副交感神経(下がる)
・呼吸  交感神経(激しくなる) 副交感神経(穏やかになる)
・皮膚  交感神経(縮む・硬くなる) 副交感神経(広がる・緩む)
・汗腺  交感神経(広がる) 副交感神経(閉じる)
・胃腸  交感神経(低下する) 副交感神経(活発になる)
・消化  交感神経(低下する) 副交感神経(活発になる)
・心臓  交感神経(拍動が速くなる) 副交感神経(拍動が遅くなる)
・気管  交感神経(拡張する) 副交感神経(狭くなる)
・白血球  交感神経(増加する) 副交感神経(減少する)
・子宮  交感神経(縮む) 副交感神経(広がる)
・瞳孔  交感神経(大きくなる) 副交感神経(小さくなる)
・活発な時間  交感神経(日中) 副交感神経(夕方~夜)
・睡眠  交感神経(低下する) 副交感神経(活発になる)
・運動時  交感神経(活発になる) 副交感神経(低下する)
・苦手な人と一緒  交感神経(活発になる) 副交感神経(低下する)
・楽しい時間  交感神経(低下する) 副交感神経(活発になる)


【顔周辺】 頭痛・頭重感・耳鳴り・難聴・口の渇き・味覚障害・疲れ目・目の渇き・涙目・のどのイガイガ・のどのつまり感
【心臓・血管】 動悸・胸部圧迫感・めまい・立ちくらみ・のぼせ・冷え
【呼吸器】 息苦しい・息切れ・息が詰まる
【消化器】 便秘・下痢・胃の不快感・下腹部の張り・吐き気・食堂のつかえ・ガスがたまる
【皮膚】 多汗・汗が出にくい・寝汗・皮膚のかゆみ・乾燥
【生殖器】 生理痛・生理不順・インポテンツ・不妊・更年期障害
【筋肉・関節】 肩首のこり・筋肉の痛み・関節痛・関節に力が入らない
【全身症状】 倦怠感・疲れやすい・フラフラする・食欲がない・寝付きが悪い・目が覚めやすい・起きるのがつらい
【精神症状】 イライラしやすい・落ち込みやすい・怒りやすい・不安になる・やる気がない・集中力が低下する・不眠症


■Autonomic ataxia

"Autonomic ataxia" is a generic term for indefinite complaints that occur when the autonomic nervous system is ataxia. And, there is a feature that the abnormality is not found even if it tests though there are various symptoms. In other words, it is a disease that western medicine does not understand the cause at all. In the hospital, the drug is prescribed as symptomatic therapy.

Autonomic nerves, also known as involuntary nerves, work independently of intention. As for the function of the autonomic nervous system, the most basic body functions for living organisms such as breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, sweating, digestion, excretion, etc. are adjusted for life. The autonomic nervous system has a sympathetic nerve and a parasympathetic nerve, and these two nerves regulate the function of the body by acting in a well-balanced and conflicting way. Ataxia of the autonomic nervous system means that the balance of this sympathetic nerve and parasympathetic nerve is no longer performed well.

There are two types of autonomic nervous system, sympathetic nerve and parasympathetic nerve, both of which are balanced and cause normal physical activity. What kind of activities are sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves each inspire... all of them are doing the opposite.

Emotion sympathetic (frustration, excitement) parasympathetic (relaxing, calm)
Blood flow Sympathetic nerve (increased blood flow to muscles) Parasympathetic nerve (increased blood flow to internal organs)
Blood pressure sympathetic (up) parasympathetic nerve (down)
Breathing sympathetic (intense) parasympathetic nerve (becomes calm)
Skin sympathetic (shrinking, hardening) parasympathetic nerve (spread, loosening)
Sweat gland sympathetic (spread) parasympathetic nerve (close)
Gastrointestinal sympathetic (decreased) parasympathetic nerve (become active)
Digestion sympathetic (decreased) parasympathetic nerve (become active)
Heart sympathetic nerve (faster beat) parasympathetic nerve (slow beat)
Tracheal sympathetic (extending) parasympathetic nerve (narrowing)
White blood cells sympathetic (increased) parasympathetic nerve (decrease)
Uterine sympathetic (shrink) parasympathetic nerve (spread)
Pupil sympathetic (larger) parasympathetic (smaller)
Active time sympathetic (during the day) parasympathetic (evening-night)
Sleep sympathetic (decreased) parasympathetic nerve (become active)
Exercise sympathetic (becomeactive) parasympathetic (decreased)
Sympathetic (becomeactive) parasympathetic (decrease) with people who are not good at it
Fun time sympathetic (decreased) parasympathetic (become active)

When exercising or active in this way, the sympathetic nerve works positively, and when relaxing or sleeping, parasympathetic nerves work. By working too much and stress society, only the sympathetic nerve becomes active, causing disturbance of the autonomic nervous system and causing various symptoms. Then, what kind of symptoms do you have when the autonomic nervous system is disturbed?

[Around the face] headache, head weight, tinnitus, hearing loss, dry mouth, taste disorder, tired eyes, thirst of eyes, tear eyes, throat i.e. feeling of the throat
[Heart and blood vessels] palpitations, chest pressure, dizziness, dizziness, dizziness, swelling, coldness
Respiratory: Stifling, shortness of breath, suffocation
[Digestive] constipation, diarrhea, stomach discomfort, tension of the lower abdomen, nausea, use of the dining room, gas accumulates
[Skin] multi-sweat, sweat hard to come out, night sweat, itching of the skin, dryness
Genital organs: menstrual pain, menstrual irregularity, impotence, infertility, menopause
Muscles and joints: Stiff shoulders, muscle pain, joint pain, joints
[Systemic symptoms] fatigue, tiredness easy, fluttering, lack of appetite, poor sleep, easy to wake up, hard to get up
Mental symptoms: Easy to get irritated, easy to get depressed, easy to get angry, become anxious, lack of motivation, decreased concentration, insomnia

In Oriental medicine, "ki" is invisible to the eye, but it can be said that it is a life energy that is indispensable to the human body. This flow may become bad, or it will not go around the whole body, which can cause a variety of diseases. In addition, the lack of "ki" also causes various diseases. Traditional medicine has the effect of curing the imbalance of the balance between the body and the body that comes from various causes. When the flow of air becomes normal, the mind is fully supplemented, and various diseases which have been had up to now are improved. Feelings of impatience, anxiety, and anxious thoughts will disappear before you know it, along with improving your constitution. There are people who feel the effect only by receiving it once. First of all, you should feel better. I would like you to try it.

疲れとだるさがなかなか取れない人のための 慢性的な腰痛や背筋痛をなんとかしたい人のための
【全身すっきり気分爽快トリートメント】 【腰痛緩和トリートメント】
TOTAL 4 HOURS =\33000- TOTAL 4 HOURS =\33000-
つらい肩こりを少しでも楽にしたい人のための 目の疲れや頭痛が気になる人のための
【肩こり緩和トリートメント】 【フェイシャル&ヘッドすっきりトリートメント】
TOTAL 4 HOURS =\33000- TOTAL 4 HOURS =\33000-
冷えやむくみにお悩みの方のための 寝つきが悪くて困っている人のための
【冷えむくみ対策トリートメント】 【安眠熟睡トリートメント】
TOTAL 5.5HOURS =\49500- TOTAL 5.5HOURS =\49500-
便秘や肌荒れが気になる方のための 最近ちょっと肥満気味が気になりだした方のための
【デトックス美容トリートメント】 【ダイエット減量トリートメント】
TOTAL 5.5HOURS =\49500- TOTAL 5.5HOURS =\49500-
最近イライラすることが多いとお悩みの方のための 代替療法で病気を予防したい人のための
【イライラ緩和トリートメント】 【代替療法未病対策トリートメント】
TOTAL 5.5HOURS =\49500- TOTAL 5.5HOURS =\49500-
男性機能の衰えが気になる方のための いつまでも美しく若々しさを保ちたい女性のための
【男性機能改善マニッシュトリートメント】 【女性機能改善アンチエイジングトリートメント】
TOTAL 5.5HOURS =\49500- TOTAL 5.5HOURS =\49500-
子供が欲しい夫婦のための いろいろ試してみたい方のための
【夫婦で生殖機能改善トリートメント】 【タイ古式療法の寄せ集めトリートメント】
TOTAL 5.5HOURS =\99000- TOTAL 7 HOURS =\66000-
いろいろ試してみたい方のための いろいろ試してみたい方のための
【伝統医学・自然療法の寄せ集めトリートメント】 【エネルギーワークの寄せ集めトリートメント】
TOTAL 7 HOURS =\66000- TOTAL 7 HOURS =\66000-
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