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肺は、肺・気管支・のど・皮膚・鼻などを支配し、大腸は、上行結腸から直腸に至るまでに関する活動を支配。 乾燥や冷え、神経疲労、精(必要な栄養素)の不足と神(簡単には代謝)の失調が大きく拘わっていきます。肝臓・腎臓が元気でないと肺は十分な働きができません。大腸で発生する有害物質(ガス)の80%は門脈を通って肝臓に運ばれ処理されていますが、肺・大腸系の健康状態を保持するためには冷え性の放置は禁物、 腸内細菌のバランスが崩れやすくなって有毒物質(ガス)が発生しやすくなり肝臓に負担をかけます。また、腎臓は冷えをもっとも嫌う臓器で、腎系が弱ると東洋医学では連動して肺に悪影響を及ぼすとされています。


肺・大腸系を傷める人は間と安定感を失いやすく、 気がめいりやすく「寂しさ」に襲われやすくなります。中国最古の医学書『黄帝内経』には「憂傷肺=憂(悲しみやうつの状態)は肺を傷める」と記述されています。


■Cough, throat, chest pain

If you continue to cough, you may have a hard time, such as exhausting your strength or preventing you from sleeping. Even though it is not so during the day, the cough does not stop at night, the cold has already healed, but only the cough is not cured, and the cough which the sputum is entangled continues. What are some possible causes when such symptoms are observed?

If you cough within three weeks of starting coughing, you may have the following diseases, mainly: Cold, bronchitis, pneumonia, pneumothorax, heart failure

If the cough has been going on for more than three weeks, the following diseases may be the main cause: Post-infection cough, cough asthma, bronchial asthma, reflux esophagitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pulmonary tuberculosis, pertussis, chronic sinusitis (posterior rhinorrhea), lung cancer

In Oriental medicine, "lungs" are also related to the function of spreading moisture all over the body and regulating sweat, and also preventing evil from the outside (factors that adversely affect the body). The presence or absence of resistance and the ability to adjust perspiration represent the strength of the lungs. If the lungs are weak, they are susceptible to wickedness, and when the lungs are not moist enough, symptoms such as mucous membranes and skin tend to dry out in addition to coughing.

The lungs dominate the lungs, bronchi, throat, skin, nose, etc., and the large intestine dominates activities related to everything from the aemarchal colon to the rectum. Dryness and coldness, nerve fatigue, lack of semen (necessary nutrients) and ataxia of God (easily metabolism) are greatly concerned. If the liver and kidneys are not healthy, the lungs cannot work well enough. 80% of harmful substances (gas) generated in the large intestine are carried to the liver through the portal vein, but in order to maintain the health of the lung and colon system, it is prohibited to leave the coldness, The balance of intestinal bacteria tends to collapse, and toxic substances (gas) tend to occur, which puts a strain on the liver. In addition, the kidney is the organ that dislikes cold most, and it is said that the weak kidney system works together in Oriental medicine to adversely affect the lungs.

In Oriental medicine, people with lung upsetors or weakened functions are considered to have "white" skin and complexion. The lung and the large intestine are considered in pairs. The lung large intestine is considered "gold" in the five elements of nature that make up all things, "wood fire and earth metal water". In nature, it acts as a cloud and plays barrier functions such as circulation and filtering of air and moisture. In terms of the human body, it corresponds to the lungs and large intestine, which greatly affects breathing, water metabolism, and immune function.

People who damage the lung and colon system are easy to lose a sense of stability between, and it is easy to be attacked by loneliness. China's oldest medical book, the Huang Emperor's Inner Sutra, states that "melancholy lungs (a state of sadness and depression) can damage the lungs."

In traditional Thai medicine, we mainly perform treatment on the energy line of the lungs. It works on the lungs by incorporating a lot of treatments that stimulate the "hand-dark lung sutra" (a line that flows from the base of the arm to the thumb of the hand to the inside) in the meridian. Usually, people live by breathing with only two-thirds of their lungs used. In yoga breathing, where you breathe deep and relaxed from the internal organs using all of your lungs, you clean up fine mental and physical stagnation and waste products such as nerve cells, and go around fresh prana.

疲れとだるさがなかなか取れない人のための 慢性的な腰痛や背筋痛をなんとかしたい人のための
【全身すっきり気分爽快トリートメント】 【腰痛緩和トリートメント】
TOTAL 4 HOURS =\33000- TOTAL 4 HOURS =\33000-
つらい肩こりを少しでも楽にしたい人のための 目の疲れや頭痛が気になる人のための
【肩こり緩和トリートメント】 【フェイシャル&ヘッドすっきりトリートメント】
TOTAL 4 HOURS =\33000- TOTAL 4 HOURS =\33000-
冷えやむくみにお悩みの方のための 寝つきが悪くて困っている人のための
【冷えむくみ対策トリートメント】 【安眠熟睡トリートメント】
TOTAL 5.5HOURS =\49500- TOTAL 5.5HOURS =\49500-
便秘や肌荒れが気になる方のための 最近ちょっと肥満気味が気になりだした方のための
【デトックス美容トリートメント】 【ダイエット減量トリートメント】
TOTAL 5.5HOURS =\49500- TOTAL 5.5HOURS =\49500-
最近イライラすることが多いとお悩みの方のための 代替療法で病気を予防したい人のための
【イライラ緩和トリートメント】 【代替療法未病対策トリートメント】
TOTAL 5.5HOURS =\49500- TOTAL 5.5HOURS =\49500-
男性機能の衰えが気になる方のための いつまでも美しく若々しさを保ちたい女性のための
【男性機能改善マニッシュトリートメント】 【女性機能改善アンチエイジングトリートメント】
TOTAL 5.5HOURS =\49500- TOTAL 5.5HOURS =\49500-
子供が欲しい夫婦のための いろいろ試してみたい方のための
【夫婦で生殖機能改善トリートメント】 【タイ古式療法の寄せ集めトリートメント】
TOTAL 5.5HOURS =\99000- TOTAL 7 HOURS =\66000-
いろいろ試してみたい方のための いろいろ試してみたい方のための
【伝統医学・自然療法の寄せ集めトリートメント】 【エネルギーワークの寄せ集めトリートメント】
TOTAL 7 HOURS =\66000- TOTAL 7 HOURS =\66000-
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