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腰の痛みの原因はさまざまですが、なりやすい人には共通の傾向があります。立ったままその場での作業は、筋肉疲労と不良姿勢によって椎間板負担がかかるために腰痛になりやすく、ずっと座っている姿勢も、立っている状態より椎間板にかかる負担は大きく、不良な姿勢から腰痛になりやすいといえます。 軽い腰痛、原因がはっきりしない腰痛などをまとめて、いわゆる「腰痛症」といいます。中腰で重いものを持ったりしたときなど、急に腰が痛くなり動けなくなった状態を一般的に「ぎっくり腰」といいます。










しかし、実際にはそれだけでは説明できない、原因不明の腰痛がたくさんあります。若者から中高年まで、男女を問わず、 多くの人が苦しんでいる腰痛。病院で検査をしても、その80%以上は痛みの原因が特定できないといわれています。原因がはっきりしないけれど、腰痛が長引くという人はとても多いもの。約80%の人は抑うつ状態だといわれ、ここ数年、注目されているのが心因性腰痛。「ちょっとしたことで腹が立ち、イライラする。悲しくなったり、憂うつになったりする。急に泣きたくなったり、泣いたりする。孤独感が強くなった。食欲がない。夜はなかなか寝つけない。」などの症状を伴う場合には、心因性腰痛の可能性が大です。リラックスしながら、腰の筋肉を緩めることが近道だと言えます。









Low back pain can be caused by a variety of causes, but it tends to be common among people who are prone to getting back. Working on the spot while standing is liable to suffer from low back pain due to strain on the disc due to muscular fatigue and poor posture, and even in a sitting posture, the burden on the disc is greater than in a standing position, and from a bad posture It is easy to get back pain. Low back pain and low back pain whose cause is not clear are collectively called "low back pain". The situation where the lower back suddenly hurts and becomes unable to move, such as when carrying a heavy object on the lower back, is generally referred to as "closely waist".

One of the causes of chronic low back pain is that the muscles shrink and become harder and thicker, compressing blood vessels. Thick and stiff muscles can compress blood vessels and reduce blood flow. When blood flow is impaired, the amount of oxygen carried is reduced, resulting in a lack of oxygen. When your body becomes starved of oxygen, it emits a painful substance called "bradykinin" to signal a crisis. This is the mechanism of “chronic pain”. When you take a bath and your body warms and blood flow improves, the lack of oxygen is temporarily eliminated and the production of bradykinin is suppressed and the pain is relieved, but the muscle itself is not soft, so when you return to the original body temperature Pain starts again. When the muscles shrink, they may not be able to stretch for a short time, which may place a burden on the lumbar spine. When the muscles on the front side of the spine are stiff and locked and “short” or “unstretched”, the back is bent and the spine and the spine are crushed, causing pain in the back.

First of all, taking an approach to muscle stiffness will make the client easier. Because the hip muscles are large, you need to take a strong and deep approach, considering that stiffness is blocking blood flow. Since it is often difficult with fingers and hands, a power press using elbows and knees will be effective.

Low back pain can be caused by a disease of the internal organs. If you hurt even when you are resting or sleeping, or irrespective of your movements, you may want to suspect visceral disease.

◎ List of internal organ diseases causing back pain

(Circulatory disease)
Obstructive atherosclerosis, abdominal aortic aneurysm, abdominal aortic dissection

(Urological disease)
Kidney and urinary calculi, cystitis, pyelonephritis, benign prostatic hyperplasia, urinary cancer

(Digestive illness)
Gastric ulcer / duodenal ulcer, pancreatitis, gallstones, gall bladder / cholangitis, hepatitis, gastrointestinal cancer

(Gynecological illness)
Dysmenorrhea, fibroids, ovarian inflammation, ovarian abscess, uterine and ovarian cancer

Shingles, flu, cold

However, there are many unexplained back pains that cannot be explained by themselves. Low back pain that many people, both young and middle-aged, are suffering, regardless of gender. It is said that the cause of pain cannot be identified in more than 80% of the patients who have been examined in hospitals. Although the cause is not clear, many people have prolonged back pain. About 80% of people are said to be depressed, and in recent years attention has been focused on psychogenic back pain. "I get angry and frustrated by a little bit. I get sad and depressed. I suddenly want to cry and cry. I feel more lonely. I have no appetite. I can't sleep well at night." If you have symptoms such as, there is a high possibility of psychogenic back pain. Relaxing and relaxing your lower back muscles is a shortcut.

By the way, how does Oriental medicine (= Yin and Yang theory) catch the cause of back pain? When viewed in terms of oriental medicine, the cause is still related to stress.

The stagnation is called stagnation. Qi is positive, so it has a tendency to move around, but it stagnates. In other words, please think that the function to go round and round is delayed. Poor circulation is a symptom of weak points. If the weak point is the lower back, back pain will occur. The most common cause of congestion is stress. Next lack of exercise. In rare cases, overexertion can cause air stagnation.

The stagnation can be a tension. Tension is both mental and physical. By classifying low back pain by severity, low back pain due to air stagnation can be considered relatively mild. So sometimes I feel strong and sometimes I don't feel anything. It can get worse due to stress, and it can be easier if you exercise. In such cases, the patient is treated with an adjustment method (phlebotomy) to remove the stagnation. Many use acupoints that are associated with the liver. Kimyu, Heya, Gokei, Hyakukai, line spaces, etc.

When the level of air stagnation is severe, blood clots. Blood is muddy. Stress and lack of exercise can cause air stagnation and create a vicious cycle of blood. This will not help you get tired and your back pain will not go away. It takes time to remove "blood". You need to go to the hospital many times.

You also need to consider renal emptiness. Renal emptiness is "lower weakness." When the lower part (lower body = shade) is weaker, the power to move is weaker, so symptoms tend to appear on the lower back, which is the pivot of the lower body. The whole waist is sluggish, and in severe cases the legs and hips do not work. Also, you may have cold feet or hot flashes. The causes of weakness are aging, weakness in nature, too much sex, and too much force.

In traditional medicine, we aim to improve our constitution by simultaneously approaching the kidneys. The tour will be conducted mainly on Nei-Yu, Yin-Gai, re-collection, Terumi, and ceiling.

The approach of low back pain in Thai traditional treatment is considered in this way as a whole. Since each situation is different, it is possible not only to alleviate lower back pain but also to lead to total health by approaching over time, assuming multiple causes.

疲れとだるさがなかなか取れない人のための 慢性的な腰痛や背筋痛をなんとかしたい人のための
【全身すっきり気分爽快トリートメント】 【腰痛緩和トリートメント】
TOTAL 4 HOURS =\33000- TOTAL 4 HOURS =\33000-
つらい肩こりを少しでも楽にしたい人のための 目の疲れや頭痛が気になる人のための
【肩こり緩和トリートメント】 【フェイシャル&ヘッドすっきりトリートメント】
TOTAL 4 HOURS =\33000- TOTAL 4 HOURS =\33000-
冷えやむくみにお悩みの方のための 寝つきが悪くて困っている人のための
【冷えむくみ対策トリートメント】 【安眠熟睡トリートメント】
TOTAL 5.5HOURS =\49500- TOTAL 5.5HOURS =\49500-
便秘や肌荒れが気になる方のための 最近ちょっと肥満気味が気になりだした方のための
【デトックス美容トリートメント】 【ダイエット減量トリートメント】
TOTAL 5.5HOURS =\49500- TOTAL 5.5HOURS =\49500-
最近イライラすることが多いとお悩みの方のための 代替療法で病気を予防したい人のための
【イライラ緩和トリートメント】 【代替療法未病対策トリートメント】
TOTAL 5.5HOURS =\49500- TOTAL 5.5HOURS =\49500-
男性機能の衰えが気になる方のための いつまでも美しく若々しさを保ちたい女性のための
【男性機能改善マニッシュトリートメント】 【女性機能改善アンチエイジングトリートメント】
TOTAL 5.5HOURS =\49500- TOTAL 5.5HOURS =\49500-
子供が欲しい夫婦のための いろいろ試してみたい方のための
【夫婦で生殖機能改善トリートメント】 【タイ古式療法の寄せ集めトリートメント】
TOTAL 5.5HOURS =\99000- TOTAL 7 HOURS =\66000-
いろいろ試してみたい方のための いろいろ試してみたい方のための
【伝統医学・自然療法の寄せ集めトリートメント】 【エネルギーワークの寄せ集めトリートメント】
TOTAL 7 HOURS =\66000- TOTAL 7 HOURS =\66000-
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